CUPE BC Union Dues Payment System

Intergalactic was asked by CUPE BC to create a comprehensive and custom solution for processing union dues payments and remittances. The legacy system was outdated and limited to tracking payments only, with no interface for Union Locals to report nor make their payments. Given the unique needs of CUPE BC and the lack of commercially available suitable software, our team took on the challenge of building a bespoke solution from the ground up.

Our application is an intuitive web-based platform, capable of quickly calculating union dues based on various parameters like member count and average wages. It facilitates convenient creation and tracking of remittances, streamlining the process of direct payments to CUPE BC. User-specific functionalities were also built-in, enabling CUPE admins to access detailed local data, monitor transactions, manage remittance processes, amend entries and report any arrears. Treasurers and presidents of Union Locals can log in to manage payments, create remittances, and pay directly through the portal.

Set to deploy within their organization in the coming months, this customized solution answered all of CUPE BC's needs, giving an improved payment management platform that their previous system lacked. With proven success between Intergalactic and CUPE BC, there's potential for this union dues payment application to be adopted by other organizations, opening avenues for further collaboration.

CUPE BC Union Dues Payment System
CUPE BC Union Dues Payment System